signal I

We’ve got a lot going on, right now (more than we ever have in the history of the group) and I’m incredibly excited to finally start sharing it all with you!

Obviously we’ve got the show (which, in about a week, we’ll be filming a new episode for), there’s a podcast that we haven’t really started work on just yet, a public event (hosted at The DeeP: Comics, Games, and Toys) on November 10th, a quarterly publication, our first run of merch, and there’s even more planned for the future. The point of it all is an attempt to make GHPR something more than it was intended to be. I want this to be a place where we can all come and share weird stories, where we can explore the paranormal together, THE hub for this kind of stuff (at least in our region).

It’s taking a lot of work and has led to us bringing on more people than I originally thought we would need. In the end, we’ll probably bring on some of you, too, if you’ve got something to add to the group. I digress though.


I’m writing this today to do a couple things. First off, this marks the official return of my paranormal blog. Throughout the history of the GHPR, the one constant has been the presence of a blog. The full breadth of said blog has widened and narrowed from incarnation to incarnation (and I’m not quite sure exactly how wide I want to cast that net this time) but, again, it’s always been there. I intend to keep this one more regularly updated. It’s something I used to have trouble with, keeping the blog well maintained and attended to, but I’ve got someone on the team (shout out Katlyn — she doesn’t want her picture on the team page but that doesn’t mean I can’t name drop her) who’s whole job is going to be keeping this thing going. I’ll still write blog posts (you’re not free of me just yet), she’ll just help keep things on track.

We’re going to be sticking to certain formats this time. You’ll notice that this post is titled “Signal”. Signal will be the name for all posts like this (normally being general updates about the team, current investigations, filming projects, the website, etc.), posts labeled “Your True Tales” will be user submitted stories (although, surely, you’ll also get stories from me and my friends under that label, too), and there’ll be others that we’ll add as we go along. They should all be fairly self-explanatory. Again, the point is to keep the blog streamlined for those of us writing it and to help ensure that it’s as easy as possible to keep it regularly updated.

Secondly, I’m writing this to talk about the website. Gone are the days of issues with mobile phone optimization (if you were someone who used to visit the previous version of the website you’ll remember my complaints). I never could quite get the thing looking right, so I’m very glad to have a site builder now that basically does that for me. The whole page looks better than I ever could have hoped and I’m incredibly proud of it, if you couldn’t tell.

There are more pages still yet to be added. The biggest, and most notable, up to now is the data page. The process of combing through and polishing my data and documents to the site is an immensely long one. It takes way more time than I thought it would and, with everything else going on right now, I’ve gone back and forth on whether or not I should try and tackle it at all right now. I want this site to be a permanent home for us and our work exploring the paranormal, so against my better judgement, I’ve been convinced to go ahead and upload what I have. It’ll look better later. There’ll be a lot more to see later. For now, go check out what we’ve got for our first client investigation when you get the chance.

Finally, I wanted to take the time to thank everyone who’s been a part of this. I feel like, suddenly, it’s become real. Like, I’ve spent years online, compiling data, going on investigations, and just shouting it all into the void. With all these changes, all these expansions, all this help that I’ve found, I feel like I’ve suddenly become an ACTUAL paranormal investigator over night. Maybe it’s just some version of impostor syndrome and it’s just taken all this to finally help me come to terms with the reality of who I am but, one way or another, it finally feels real to me. This is something we’re doing.

I need all of you (readers included) to help me keep this thing going. If this is going to be the paranormal hub for the southeast (or at least for the Tennessee Valley) I need you guys to share your stories, to join us out in the field when we want to hang out or need an extra hand, to come be the DeeP and just hang out and talk some time.

It’s real, now help me keep it real!

I’ll be back soon with more to say.

Keep it weird!



your true tales!