greater huntsville paranormal research

Originally founded in the summer of 2008โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ Greater Huntsville Paranormal Research (GHPR) and itโ€™s affiliated website (youโ€™re on it bud) has changed itโ€™s look, style, and entire purpose a good few times over the years!

Iโ€™ve always wanted to be a paranormal researcher, so it makes sense that Iโ€™d eventually try to do something with that. Originally founded as North Alabama Bigfoot Field Research Group (ABFRG; it was a horrible name, I was a kid, donโ€™t blame me), this early incarnation came to a screeching halt when I was told to focus on tangible things and find something else to do with my life.

After abandoning it for a few years and deciding to use it as a hobby instead of a future career path (the whole time using ABFRG and a handful of other acronyms in an attempt to make my personal research sound a little more professional - yes, I used to be the only actual member), I ended up with a rotating cast of friends and family who would accompany me on late night trips to graveyards, supposed hanging trees, and allegedly haunted stretches of mountain roads.

The above is possibly the only screenshot of my first attempt to make a website

I quickly found out, thoughโ€ฆ

โ€ฆ that the people I was having accompany me at the time werenโ€™t interested in actually learning from these experiences and were often just looking for cheap scares.

So, for years, I hung up my paranormal hat. I pushed it all to the wayside to focus on โ€œthe real worldโ€ and worked to find a more respectable (and higher paying) job. No matter how hard I tried I just couldnโ€™t make it work. I wasnโ€™t happy if I wasnโ€™t having paranormal-tinged adventures.

Sometime around 2018 I first had this realization, that Iโ€™d always known what I wanted to be and what I wanted to do, but I didnโ€™t start making it a reality for another four years.

I started up again in 2022โ€ฆ

โ€ฆ and found myself once again with members who werenโ€™t always as enthused as I was. I pulled back, named myself the only actual member, and would take friends with me every now and again since itโ€™s generally not a good idea to wander around abandoned houses by yourself.

In 2023 I started working at my local comic shop (The DeeP) and, after getting to know everyone, found that my interests were shared with a good portion of the staff. Out of my new friends and coworkers was formed a renewed GHPR. A GHPR that actually cares about the paranormal and wants to try to figure things out.

Our first investigation with the new lineup was a little rocky (we almost got arrested despite having permission to be there - lesson learned, tell the neighbors too!) but weโ€™ve grown from it, trimmed down the group a bit, and have started approaching things with renewed vigor.

For me and the GHPR, the future is bright!

Thatโ€™s me with the hat on over on the right

Meet the Team