Footage Premiere!

I made a promise in our first monthly subscriber email (the February edition, not the one that went out this week), the gist of which being better and more frequent content releases and show related updates. Before we get to the new footage, I want to take a second and share some other things that have been going on in the background.

First off, we’ve added two episodes to our first season (bringing the total up from six to eight)! Interest (and excitement) in the project (and the group at large) has definitely been rising in and around town. I can’t say too much about it right now (mainly because I don’t want to ruin the surprise and I’d much rather you watch the show than just tell you about it) but it’ll be unlike anything we’ve done to date.

Secondly, I’ve been working on improving the group in three major ways:

  1. I’ve been hard at work upgrading our look and how we present ourselves. This has resulted in new logos, new stickers, new business cards, and our first ever team tees! Pictures will be posted after this paragraph.

  2. How we go about booking investigations, and assembling the team for said investigations, has changed. The most noticeable difference will be, throughout Signal & Noise (once it comes out), the presence of team members not listed on the GHPR roster here on the site. We’ll have substitute members (whenever someone can’t make a filming date) and additional members for larger or more complex investigations.

  3. Tech upgrades! Thus far, we’ve bought new lights, a new external mic, and all sorts of new fancy filming equipment! The most noteworthy change won’t come for a little while (it’ll make its first appearance over the summer). Until it’s up and fully operational, I don’t want to talk about it at length. Just know that it’s very cool, it’ll be used in all future investigations, and it’ll DEFINITELY be bragged about here on the site once we have our first full test run of it for our final trip of the season.

With that all out the way, let’s go ahead and get to it! Starting with today’s blog post, each month is going to be capped off with the premiere of footage or data from the filming of Signal & Noise. For the inaugural post of this new, ongoing series, let’s take a look at a six minute series of clips from Signal & Noise 1X02 currently titled. “Readings for the Dead.”

This clip really encapsulates the overall feel, I think, that Signal & Noise is going to have and is actually going to be the first time any of you guys see parts from a (mostly) completed episodes (editing for this particular episode should be completed by the end of the week).

Here’s the footage! When you’re done watching, scroll down and I’ll talk a little about what’s going on in it.

What do we think? Personally, as I was assembling this particular preview, I found myself getting more and more hyped for this show to come out!

I wanted to make sure I threw in a couple of goofier moments from the episode. A big part of the show is, well, us and our personalities. I want you guys to go ahead and start getting a feel for you’re going to spending that time with.

That’s me in the Estes session (the longest single clip in the preview). For anyone who doesn’t know, I’m plugged directly into an SB-7 spirit box (the same kind they use on shows like Ghost Adventures and Kindred Spirits) via soundproof studio headphones. Those, and the blind fold, ensure that the only input that I’m receiving is coming directly from the spirit box. As I’m listening to it, and the others stand around me asking questions, the idea is that I’m hearing (and repeating) whatever is being communicated through the box without being led (by hearing the questions asked) to make assumptions about what the other side is trying to get across to us.

After these sessions I’m often disoriented and either get filled in on the full details of the conversation immediately afterwards or I just wait until I’m reviewing the footage at the end. I often find that, while reviewing these sessions, it’s easier to get a feel for what’s being communicated to us after the fact — it’s easier to make connections when you can see the whole picture.

This is the first time that anyone outside of GHPR and the HSV PARA project is seeing one of our Estes Sessions. For whatever reason, it seems that our best, and most intelligent seeming, communicatory attempts are channeled through these sessions so you’ll see scenes like that a time or two once the show is out.

At the end I ask Robbie about his thoughts concerning the possibility that we’re in the middle of some kind of initiatory experience. I often get the feeling that we may be being led somewhere through all this. I don’t know where it’s going just yet, but hopefully, by the time we’ve finished the first season, I’ll have a better grasp on that.

Here’s hoping we’re ready for whatever awaits us at the end of this whole thing!

Stay weird!



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