Huntsville’s home
high Strangeness

It’s good to be back on the web!
GHPR has been around in one form or another since the summer of 2008 and I’m not gonna let that change anytime soon! In fact, things are looking up!
We’ve got a lot of things going on right now, like:
Our first run of merch! Shirts are now available on the merch tab!
A show, a podcast, and so much more!
More planned investigations than ever before !
Plus loads of other cool stuff that you’ll only find here ranging from investigative data, new tech demos, our thoughts on everything and anything paranormal and so much more!
We're the only active paranormal group in Huntsville, Alabama (we think)! We're a group of friends that met while working at The DeeP (a local comic shop). Come visit us sometime!
I... think? There used to be more, but I honestly don't know of any others that are still actively investigating anything
GHPR has existed in one form or another since 2008! It was founded as a group that only investigated bigfoot sightings, but it's changed a lot over the years! The current lineup is only about a year old, though.
It's kind of another way of saying paranormal, but saying it like this suggests that there's multiple elements at play and maybe multiple explanations!
Probably! What is a ghost, though? That's a much better question, I think!
Hell yeah, we are, brother!
A lot of the data and media that'll be housed on this site is gonna end up in the show, too! We'll talk about it more once it's closer to being finished.
Send us a message!
If you've experienced anything even vaguely paranormal and want us to check it out, definitely hit up the contact form that's linked in the menu at the top of the page!
Absolutely! We’d love to!
There are no fees associated (we do investigations entirely for free), all we ask is the right to retain any data we gather during the process!
We’re professional, private, and we won’t share any of your personal or identifying information on the internet or anywhere else!
If you need or want us to check something out for you, fill out the form on our contact page and our lead investigator will be in touch!